Celebrate St. Georges Day in Your Salon

st georges day 2023

The 23rd of April 2023 is a day of many things – the London Marathon, St George’s Day and let’s not forget it’s also National English Muffin Day! What a great day to run some special promotions in your salon.

Saint George, the patron saint of England became is the subject of an ancient legend in which he slew a dragon. The history books tell the tale of the town of Silene which was captured by a dragon, to whom the townsfolk made a human sacrifice each day. 

On the day that St George visited the town, he slew the dragon in a grand battle, thus sparing the life of a princess who was due to be sacrificed that day. The locals then converted to Christianity to express their gratitude to George for saving them.

In 303 AD on April 23rd, Saint George was killed and over the years since the festivities around the day have increased massively.

Decorate your salon with St George’s Icons

There is a lot of imagery surrounding St Georges’s Day – the familiar white flag emblazoned with the red cross, the man himself atop a large horse whilst donning a sword and shield, and don’t forget the dragon of course!

Look for some printables that you can use to decorate the salon windows and grab the attention of the local foot traffic. 

As well as decorations, you’ll find many printables that are designed for children such as colouring images, so why not print out some of these to keep the kids amused whilst the parents treat themselves to a new hair cut.

Creative use of discounts

A discount is a great way to attract both new clients and also to get your existing ones back in for a new treatment. Trafalgar Square in London is home to a full day of celebrations which around 20,000 are expected to attend. You might want to target those people who are going out for the day with some kind of discount in the lead-up to the 23rd so that they can look their best for their big day out.

Another idea is that you could combine the St George’s Day offer with the London Marathon which is happening on the same day. Perhaps offer a discount to anyone who has run the marathon and give them a bigger one if they ran in a British flag! 

Lastly, a somewhat lesser event but worth mentioning nonetheless is that the 23rd April is also National English Muffin Day. So why not pop down to the local supermarket, stock up on delicious muffins and offer one to anybody who comes in for a treatment that day 🙂

Don’t forget to promote any special offers through your social media channels.